Lent is starting next week and we will hold Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday services.  

Ash Wednesday Service – 22nd of February, 7pm at St Mary’s

Lent Studies – If you are following the Lent Studies daily devotions start on Ash Wednesday.  If you are part of a house church it would be great if you can meet weekly for the next six weeks, and do a group devotion together.  





This Sunday there will be sign up sheets available for Lent Study Groups, or you can email the office, or click the link on our website!

The study groups will follow the “Lent for Everyone – Matthew Year A” study guide, existing house churches are also encouraged to follow this series.  The guides are still available to purchase from the office (and at services),  for $10.  Or, you can download your copy from Kindle or similar.  Sign-up sheets to join a group will be available in early February or you can email to register.  To pay for books, use our Church Account (02 0500 0019955 00) and the reference LENT.





The St Matthias Sunday service in Makara lead by Alison Camplin had a lovely start to the year! Here are some pictures from last weekend. 





Work is progressing very well inside the main café/soft play space with roofing tiles going up, speakers going in, flooring, etc etc.  It’s a hive of activity!  Meanwhile, the landscaping works for the courtyard and parking are also progressing, and will keep the team very busy throughout March.  Everything is still on track to be completed by the end of April.   We are also making good progress on getting things ready so that we can operate the café and soft play once the building is complete, including working out what type of coffee to serve (that photo is of unroasted beans!). 


The most exciting news is that we have recruited our new manager for Te Korōria!  Dana is starting with us mid-April.  She is currently the owner operator, chef, and barista of Cafe Breton on Bandon St.  She has a Master of Science in Food Technology and is multi-lingual in English, Hindi, Telagu, and Tamil and Urdu.   On top of that, she puts great value on community, and connecting with people, and is an excellent communicator.  If you are familiar with recruiting in the hospitality sector you will know that it’s a very tough market as an employer.  Welcoming Dana to the Karori Anglican team is very much an answer to prayer.  God is good!  Time to celebrate and give thanks.





Come stop by and see us at Karori Karnival this Sunday 19th February from 10am to 3:30pm at Ben Burn Park.  We have a stall promoting our Early Childhood Centre, SMASH and Te Korōria as well as information on Karori Anglican (of course!).  Come and say hello and have a go at Splat the Rat!






Are you ready for an installment of our famous Fur Eine Handvoll Donuts Quiz?  Come along this Friday at 6pm and bring all your knowledge and fitness to win some DONUTS.






YOUTH – EASTER CAMP 2023 – Remember to register!

If you haven’t already, remember to register for Youth Easter Camp!

After three years of pause and no Easter camp, the Central Easter Camp is finally back. And to quote the Easter Camp Instagram account” Nab your spot now for 4 days of music, fellowship, donuts, and the Holy Spirit.”

The camp is filled with activities, great main sessions with worship and speakers, nightlife a buzzing village, and a Top Team tournament where your skills and creativity come into play to win the great Price.

The Karori Youth Group and the Johnsonville Youth Group are going to attend the Camp together with duo leadership [Ben Bormann (KAC) and Casey Norman (JNOC)]. We will journey there and back again together, and set up our Tents together, but some activities will be separate. As well as an official team-up with Johnsonville, we have an unofficial team-up with Karori Baptist Youth and will set up our Tents next to each other.

To sign up we are going to register under “JNOC Youth” to manage numbers and registration better. (but please let our Youth leader know that you are coming) If there are financial problems you can approach our Youth Leader Ben Bormann(

The Camp is from the 6th-10th of April. Early bird registration ends on the 12th of February.





It was wonderful to receive a Wheeler Family update last week where they share future plans and information about their daily lives in Papua New Guinea! 

Here is an exert below and prayer request:

“Scott has many projects this year to help Kapuna, the local villages as well as the other GCS Hospital, Kikori with; toileting, solar energy systems and building projects. He is still helping with the sewing class and keeping the Days for Girls project running. To help support him and the kids I will need to downsize my role in the shop a bit (this is what we are working on) which is tricky as we are the only shop in this area. It’s not like you can go to New World or the dairy if Countdown is closed. So I feel a big pressure and responsibility to keep things functioning for the wider community but need to preserve myself and our family too.

This is a prayer point please for us as we navigate this and then also hope to recruit someone to support me and then take over from me next year. This will be our final year in Kapuna so we want to set things up well for the future and can see many areas for improvement and better systems but we need the right people. This place has been blessed by God and has grown gradually, and the hospital has helped so many people for decades. We know His plans are good for those who love Him and this is a place where amazing things are happening in His name and lives in this tough place are being turned around for good. So, please join us in praying for the right decisions and steps guided by His plan and not ours.”






Every year we have a scripture which to focus on.  This year our verse is:

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything.’ Matt 5:13

See if you can memorize it!

This year will be a historic one for our Parish with Te Korōria opening in April and many opportunities to build relationships with our wider community.  

Our focus will be on  Equipping and releasing into discipleship and mission.

We have two key aims:

  1. To find out how God is leading Karori Anglican to use Te Korōria for service to the wider community (parish)  and extending His Kingdom.
  1. To start three new missional communities.

More on our theme and focus at services as we launch into the year!






COVID-19 infection is still around in our community, you have the option of receiving wafers only at communion should you wish. Please, as always, stay home if you are feeling unwell.   



You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything.’ Matt 5:13