Newsletter Week Ending 30th October

  LATEST TE KORŌRIA UPDATE Here are some photos from inside!  You can see that all the windows and doors are in (just two to go), and in the counseling rooms the gib is going up on the walls and the ceiling (see the picture above).  Next steps are putting the...

Newsletter Week Ending 23rd October

    LATEST TE KORŌRIA UPDATE The external cladding on one of the buildings is complete, and next week we will see the cladding go on Te Korōria itself. The windows are all installed. Gib work is underway in the Counselling rooms. A bit of dry weather has...

Newsletter Week Ending 9 October

    LATEST TE KORŌRIA UPDATEThis week more Nu- Wall cladding has gone on to the outside of the Counselling rooms.   The external lining of the Te Korōria is nearly complete (you can see that it is nearly all orange now).   Over the next few weeks, you will...