We will be holding our annual Family Fair day, combined this year with “Back to Church Sunday”, which is an opportunity for people to re-engage with the Church, and celebrate the start of the year.  We need your help to make the day a success.  We have a number of activities/stalls listed below.  If you are able/willing to run a stall or activity, or you have an idea of something you would like to run that is not on the list please let Kate or Ian know.  We are also looking for helpers that don’t want to run a stall but happy to lend a hand.


Petting Zoo Big Dig Treasure Hunt
Sausage Sizzle Sponge the Vicar
Nerf Gun Target Water Balloon throwing
Splat the Rat Bouncy Castle
Candy Floss Fish Cup game
Ring Toss Money Counter exchange
Info stall (Small Groups/GodZone/
Guess the number of Sweets in
the Jar
Ball Toss (or water balloon toss) General helper