Karori Anglican Youth Years 9-13
2020 Term One starts Friday 14 February 7 pm. Activity Room, 170 Karori Rd.

Lent Study Groups
This year we will be using the Diocesan Lent Small Group study material. The groups will beging the first week of March. The study is only six weeks long and we are encouraging as many people as possible to take part this year. More details to come.

Date for your Diaries
Each year the Diocese holds two Team Training Days each year. The first one for 2020 is Saturday, 14 March and held here in Karori. It is a great day for the Wellington Diocese to gather together with great teaching, workshops and kai.
It is for all teams and their leaders, including vestry members, wardens, children’s ministry volunteers, youth workers, those who serve the cups of tea, clergy, those in lay ministry….. you’re all invited to Team Training Day. There is something for everyone.

Crafty Conversations
Bring your knitting/crochet or craft and a friend. Enjoy a coffee and good conversation.
Do you want to learn to knit or crochet? We can help you there too!
Every Wednesday, Karori Park Cafe, 10 am.
Two Great Weekly Reads
You can subscribe to the Karori Anglican Church and the Wellington Anglican Diocese weekly newsletters and received these direct to your email each week. Click on these links to subscribe http://movementonline.org.nz/ or https://www.karorianglican.org.nz/
We Remember
A service to celebrate the life of Alison Preston-Thomas was held at St Mary’s on Friday. Both Alison and her late husband Grant were longstanding members of this community. Please keep Alison’s family in your prayers.
Casual Family Weekend Camp 28 February 4 pm – 1 March
1.30 pm. This year we will be we be at the Magnificat retreat in Wairarapa. Stay for one night or both. The Bethlehem Facility has 19 rooms, with 1,2 or 3 beds.
Food: bring food and drink and be prepared to share as required. Dinners will probably be BBQ style.
Cost: $45 per night per adult, $22 per night per child plus $5 per night per person self catering charge and a one-off $5 per person for linen.
Contact Ryan Day if you would like to come – 027 210 0158 or ryzer.day@gmail.com
Rev Ian’s Installation
Reverend Ian Cook’s Installation service will be held on Sunday 1 March, 3 pm. Put this day in your diary now to celebrate our new Vicar.
Job Opportunity at KAC
In 2020 we would like to employ a part time (0.5) Children and Whānau worker. This role was previously held by Ian C and now we are in a position to look to recruit the right person to further our ministry in this area. If you are interested, or know of someone who might be interested, please do get in touch with Ian Cook to discuss further and to get a copy of the role description.