Can You Help? Back to Church Sunday and Family Fair Day – 9 February 12-2 pm

We will be holding our annual Family Fair day, combined this year with “Back to Church Sunday”, which is an opportunity for people to re-engage with the Church, and celebrate the start of the year. Can you please take some flyers to deliver in Karori streets. Please indicate where you will deliver on the clipboard. Also we need your help to make the day a success. We have a number of activities/stalls listed below. If you are able/willing to run a stall or activity, or you have an idea of something you would like to run that is not on the list please let Kate or Ian know. Also looking for helpers that don’t want to run a stall.
Petting Zoo | Big Dig Treasure Hunt |
Sausage Sizzle | Sponge the Vicar |
Nerf Gun Target | Water Balloon throwing |
Splat the Rat | Bouncy Castle |
Candy Floss | Fish Cup game |
Ring Toss | Money Counter exchange |
Info stall (Small Groups/GodZone/Youth/Building) | Guess the number of Sweets in the Jar |
Ball Toss (or water balloon toss) | General helper |

The Diocesan Lent small group study begins first week of March. They are only six weeks long and we are encouraging as many people as possible to take part this year. More details to come.

Young Families Lunch – TODAY
Do you have a young family? Would you like to meet some more people? Come and join us for a pot luck lunch first Sunday in the month.
When: after the 10.30 service.
Where: Vicarage Kitchen
Next Lunch: 2 February
For information contact Nikki and Scott

Do you knit or want to learn to knit?
Do you want to help others?
Love N Stitches do just that with love and laughter.
Love N Stitches meet second Saturday of the month, 1.30—4 pm
Next meeting 8 February at the church office. Everyone Welcome.

Crafty Conversations
Bring your knitting/crochet or craft and a friend. Enjoy a coffee and good conversation.
Do you want to learn to knit or crochet? We can help you there too!
Every Wednesday, Karori Park Cafe, 10 am.
Staff Updates
Reverend Ian Cook’s Installation service will be held on Sunday 1 March at 3 pm. Put this date in your diaries now as we celebrate our new vicar.
Heidi Cavaye has been appointed as our new Ministry Assistant, Administration beginning 3 February.
Job Opportunity at KAC
In 2020 we would like to employ a part time (0.5) Children and Whānau worker. This role was previously held by Ian C and now we are in a position to look to recruit the right person to further our ministry in this area. If you are interested, or know of someone who might be interested, please do get in touch with Ian Cook to discuss further and to get a copy of the role description.
Casual Family Camp 28 Feb 4 pm – 1 March 1.30 pm
This year we will be we are headed to the Wairarapa, to the Magnificat retreat place: We are staying in the Bethlehem Facility which is very large, with two living areas, large Kitchen and dining facility and can sleep up to 40 in 19 rooms, mostly of 1,2 or 3 beds. We will need to know numbers and composition of your family/group. Stay for one night or both.
Food: bring food and drink and be prepared to share as required. Dinners will probably be BBQ style.
Cost: $45 per night per adult, $22 per night per Child plus a $5 per night per person charge for self catering and a one-off $5 per person for linen. (So an Adult for 2 nights is $105 and a child for 2 nights is $59). Please let Ryan Day know if you would like to come – or 027 210 0158