
What a week! It all started with the blessing of Te Korōria on Sunday evening. Great to have Bishop Justin with us and all those guests, including supporters from years back finally able to see the fruit of their labour for the Kingdom. Many thanks to Liz Spring for her the local ham , Kate Harvey Green for the mulled wine and organisation, Hannah and the band for the carols, Alan and Ryan for the sound and yourselves for your support and presence

The very next night there was 35 crafters in Te Korōria from the wider parish, making Christmas wreaths together for the evening as well as enjoying drinks and Christmas bakes. Many thanks to Ruth Cook for organising such a warm, fun and productive night for everyone.

The next day the hail storm struck Wellington and our courtyard lawn grass seed also struck right after the hail melted!  (see photo below). Now one can watch the progress of the grass daily. We are so thankful to Garry McManus for his generosity to Karori Anglican – so kindly offering his services at no cost.

As Christmas fast approaches and some of us head off to be with family elsewhere in the world,  can I wish you all a merry and restful Christmas full of God’s peace and rest. I look forward to seeing you all again next year, renewed and excited about what God has ahead for us all in 2024.

Best Wishes
Reverend Ian Cook


A Thank you from the Finance Chair

Last Sunday, 10 December, some of us were privileged to be able to attend the official blessing of our new building, Te Korōria.  It is a great facility which I trust and pray will be used by the Parish to reach out into our local community and will be a place of peace.

But it has only been possible to complete this project through the vision and hard work of various parishioners over the years including Helen Agar and Geoff Lee to name just some.  And, importantly, through the sacrificial giving of many of you.

I would like to thank all who have contributed to the funding of the new build.

 When we agreed to sign the construction contract in 2021 there was still a significant funding gap but we recognised that, with the inflation  in construction costs running at 1% per month, unless we committed then to the project it would never be viable.  So, in faith we set out. 

But God is good.  I am pleased to advise that, subject to receiving a comparatively small amount of extra funds that donors have kindly already committed to, the cost has been 100% covered by your generous giving and by a loan of $900,000.

THANK YOU.  And remember and take heart that God loves a cheerful giver.

May you have a cheerful and blessed Christmas.

Ian Millard
Chair of KAFC Finance Committee
Chair of the 2015 – 2020 Fund Raising Campaign


The Karori Foodbank

No photo description available.

The Karori foodbank needs your help this Christmas – either through financial donations or  grocery donations.

Grocery donations can be left in the yellow bin at the Karori Community Centre and we welcome the following items:
pasta, pasta sauce, breakfast cereals, tea, coffee, tinned food, toothpaste, soap, washing powder.

Financial donations can be made to our bank account [02-0500-0677261-000.  If you require a receipt for your donation please email our Treasurer at


Karori Golf Club

Please contact Geoff Lee for more details:

Liz Spring – Te Kororia Manager

We are very pleased to welcome Liz Spring as our new manager at Te Korōria.  Liz is a Karori “girl” by background. She brings a wealth of management and operational experience in the food and cleaning industries. She is stepping into the not-for-profit sector to focus on her passion; food and nutrition. We are very fortunate to have someone with her skill set and who is so excited about the possibilities of future growth for Te Korōria.  Her immediate focus is on business-planning for next year. Pop into to Te Korōria and make Liz feel welcome!

Watch out in January for the launch of our new menu!  


Te Korōria – Looking for a Cook

Do you know anyone who might be interested in working with an amazing team, in a fun filled environment, supporting the community and beyond?

We are looking for someone to work with the Manager and Team as we continue growing TK. The person will join our team to to create exciting cabinet food and an all-day menu. The ideal person will be someone who is a true “Foodie”; organised, passionate, creative and loves customer service. Essential skills are attention to detail, baking skills, excellent food safety and food costing. An appreciation of the needs of our younger customers is also very important.

Please send you CV to  


Christmas Services for 2023

Family Carols and Te Korōria Blessing
Sunday, 10 December,
5.30pm–Dedication, 6.15pm-Carols
Please join us for a brief dedication – led by Reverend Ian Cook and Bishop Justin Duckworth – followed by mulled wine, well-loved carols (& more mulled wine!).

Nine Lessons and Carols
Sunday 17 December, 7pm
A traditional service that retells the Christmas story through Bible readings and carols led by St Mary’s choir.

Christmas Eve
Sunday, 24 December
9.00am – Holy Eucharist Service
10.30am – Whānau Services
6.00pm – Christmas Service (St Matthias, Makara)
11.00pm – Midnight Service

Christmas Day
Monday, 25 December
8.00am – Holy Eucharist Service
10.00am – Whānau Service

Summer Services
31 December to 4 February 2024
Join us on Sundays at 10am for a 40 minute family-friendly service followed by BBQ and ice-cream!



Look out this Sunday for the opportunity to support Rongopai House and Feed My Lambs again this Christmas.
1) Choose a family to support from the display in the Church
2) Write them a Christmas Card, put it in an evelope with families name on it and either put the card  in the post box in the Church or hand to the Office.
3) Donate money for groceries through the Karori Anglican Bank Account (02 0500 0019955 00).  Please include reference LAMBS.

We will ensure the money is sent to Kaitaia in able to support families during the Christmas Holiday Period.


This week is our last Sunday of GodZone sessions for the year.  To celebrate Christmas, our Youth are organising a “Party” session at the 10.30 service.

We would like to deeply thank all the teachers & helpers who have dedicated their time & energy to helping our young people grow in their faith and relationship with God this year.   Jo Harvey, Mark Ryburn, Rose Stevens, Katy Prior, Lucy Wollaston, Daniel Wollaston, Lucy Ross, Kimberli Jones, Isabel Harvey-Green, Emma Harvey-Green, Kate Harvey-Green, Hannah Kerr, Isabella Kerr, Hannah Jones, Kat Hartly.


To our wonderful SMASH whanau!
Thank you for all your prayers, positive contributions and encouragement during 2023 – we have appreciated every comment, prayer and word. We especially acknowledge and thank you again for the time and commitment getting the Kowhai and Waipororporo Rooms and storage area looking so clean and fresh. As we finish the year, just to let you know we will be closed from Fri 22 Dec to 3 Jan.   From SMASH to you – every blessing this season to you and your loved ones. We look forward to seeing you all again in 2024! 

With love! Yvette and the SMASH team



Need a present idea?  Why not give the gift of hospitality!  You can purchase the vouchers online at, choose your amount, pay online and the voucher will be emailed direct to you or to the recipient as you wish. This is a great way to spread the word about Te Korōria and support our enterprise.



Opportunities for Service

We are always needing more hands to help out around the church. With Summer on its way, lawns need mowing and the church needs a spring-clean.
If you are able to or have youth looking for jobs to do for others over their summer break, please let the office know.


Room Available

A room will become available in The Vicarage residence in January 2024. It is a large single room with internet provided and power bill shared among the flatmates. Rent is $215 weekly.
If you know of anyone who might be interested, please ask them to contact the office.


Join us at New Wine 2024  

Join us at New Wine – an all-age festival where many voices worship the One!

January is all about family and fun and chill time and … festival! There’s no better start to the year than heading off to New Wine for 5 fun-filled days to celebrate this wild Christian life. The kids will play, the youth will party, and the adults will relax – but whatever your age, we’ll be worshipping, learning, and connecting with God. Like every good party, everyone’s invited!

New Wine Masterton commences on Thursday, 18 January 2024 at 12pm and finishes at 1.30pm on Monday, 22 January 2024.

7.00am Early morning exercise
9.00am  Morning sessions in zones (until 12.15pm with morning tea in between)
Afternoon relax, have a siesta, festival fun activities, go for a swim in the pool or grab a coffee at the cafe
2.00pm Workshops (until 3.15pm)
3:30pm Workshops (until 4.45pm)
6.30pm Evening session in zones (until 8.30pm)
8.45pm Evening entertainment, movies, festival fun activities

Want some down time outside of the programme? Enjoy a host of enticing offerings including fun all ages activities each afternoon, chilling on site, swimming in the pool, sports afternoons, local playgrounds, and the stunning Wairarapa region.

Let us know you are coming! You can join our Facebook Event invitation or email


A Replacement Stove

A parishioner is looking for a replacement stove. If you have one to offer please contact Geoff Lee: 027 445 7190,


Special General Meeting

19 NOVEMBER 2023

This meeting RESOLVES: That Vestry is AUTHORISED to make payments up to $5,350,000 (net of GST) in relation to the completion of Te Korōria and its fit out (including associated siteworks and the renovation of the old vicarage) in lieu of the previously agreed sum of $5,100,000.

This resolution was approved unanimously by members at the SGM on Sunday 19 November.

The explanatory note for this resolution can be found here: SGM Motion and Explanatory Notes


ECEC has been open again since Monday morning. We have already welcomed back on site a number of families, with normal sessions having resumed. And we have a number of new enrolments already for February 2024.

It is with sadness we announce Heather Te Huia’s retirement as Head Teacher of the centre. Her last day at work was Wednesday 13 December 2024 and we wish Heather, God’s blessings in her retirement. The Centre continues under a provisional license and the Board is very excited about developments with the centre that they will share with us all in February 2024.


Counselling Available


Rochelle is doing very well however could do with some more hours for her course work.  Please promote her services – she is excellent.  Just email to book.
Sarah Richards is also available, please email to book.

Counselling times are available between 8.00am – 5.00pm Fridays with Rochelle or Wednesdays with Sarah.

Please click on the picture for more information.






KAC office and Te Korōria Cafe Closure

The Karori Anglican office will be closed from Monday 25 December to Sunday, 7 January 2024.
We will reopen on Monday, 8 January 2024

If you need a priest during this period, please contact:
Rev. Ian Cook 021 288 2757
Rev Alison Camplin 021 027 06311
Ven. John Wilson 027 7341006

Te Korōria will be closed on Saturday 23 December and reopens on Wednesday, 17 January 2024.
Please visit for further information.


Free Wifi in church

If you require internet access during Sunday service, you can access free wifi through the network “St Mary’s Guest”. You will not need a login name or password to access this service.



The rosters for November and December can be found here. Please note that this document is accurate as at the publication of this Newsletter. The actual roster will continue to change as people request changes.




You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything.’ Matt 5:13