A very short SGM will be held 11:45 am to 12 noon  Sunday 19th Nov after the 10:30 service morning tea to finalise the very last spend on Te Te Korōria.


Christmas wreath making workshop

Get a demonstration of how to make a beautiful foliage Christmas wreath and then make your own. Foliage, wine and nibbles provided: bring your own secateurs.
7.30pm on Monday 11 December at Te Kororia
Tickets $40 from Ruth Cook. Email roo.cook@gmail.com


Christmas Services for 2023

Family Carols and Te Korōria Blessing
Sunday, 10 December, 5.30pm
Please join us for a brief dedication – led by Reverend Ian Cook and Bishop Justin Duckworth – followed by well-loved carols & mulled wine.

Nine Lessons and Carols
Sunday 17 December, 7pm
A traditional service that retells the Christmas story through Bible readings and carols led by St Mary’s choir.

Christmas Eve
Sunday, 24 December
9.00am – Holy Eucharist Service
10.30am – Whānau Services
6.00pm – Christmas Service (St Matthias, Makara)
11.00pm – Midnight Service

Christmas Day
Monday, 25 December
8.00am – Holy Eucharist Service
10.00am – Whānau Service

Summer Services
31 December to 4 February 2024
Join us on Sundays at 10am for a 40 minute family-friendly service followed by BBQ and ice-cream!



We will gather to thank God for the gift that is Te Korōria on Sunday 10 December at 5.30pm. Bishop Justin will be present to blessing the buildings.
We will celebrate with Singalongs of Christmas carols and mugs of mulled wine.



Need a present idea?  Why not give the gift of hospitality!  You can purchase the vouchers online at tekororia.org.nz, choose your amount, pay online and the voucher will be emailed direct to you or to the recipient as you wish. This is a great way to spread the word about Te Korōria and support our enterprise.

The Collective

This Friday is the last for me this term so I want to give you a bit of a German style social with German food and Kiwi games.But even though I am gone the Collective will continue.See you Friday 6pm @tekororiaka



“Girls Zone has spent the past few weeks making Crosses using String Art techniques. Each child designed their crosses on graph paper, chose paint colours and pre-painted their wood. We practiced hammering nails into wood before starting the real thing.  The highlight was choosing the colour of string and weaving it around all the nails to get the final piece of art. 
Please visit us at Te Whare O Mere in the next week or so to appreciate the work done by the group. They’ve done a great job!”



Join us at New Wine 2024  – Early Bird Discount till 30 November 2023

Join us at New Wine – an all-age festival where many voices worship the One!

January is all about family and fun and chill time and … festival! There’s no better start to the year than heading off to New Wine for 5 fun-filled days to celebrate this wild Christian life. The kids will play, the youth will party, and the adults will relax – but whatever your age, we’ll be worshipping, learning, and connecting with God. Like every good party, everyone’s invited!

New Wine Masterton commences on Thursday, 18 January 2024 at 12pm and finishes at 1.30pm on Monday, 22 January 2024.

7.00am Early morning exercise
9.00am  Morning sessions in zones (until 12.15pm with morning tea in between)
Afternoon relax, have a siesta, festival fun activities, go for a swim in the pool or grab a coffee at the cafe
2.00pm Workshops (until 3.15pm)
3:30pm Workshops (until 4.45pm)
6.30pm Evening session in zones (until 8.30pm)
8.45pm Evening entertainment, movies, festival fun activities

Want some down time outside of the programme? Enjoy a host of enticing offerings including fun all ages activities each afternoon, chilling on site, swimming in the pool, sports afternoons, local playgrounds, and the stunning Wairarapa region.

Let us know you are coming! You can join our Facebook Event invitation or email office@karorianglican.org.nz




Please Pray for The Team
Please keep the team in prayer as they prepare and run the session. Pray for the attendees that they will have an open heart to the gospel.




On our Patronal Festival  Gregor Coster spoke to the congregation about the opportunities to support the work of Karori Anglican financially.  Specifically, we have a loan to service (that enabled the building works to be completed) as well as the opportunity to fund our Youth Minister.  If you would like to give to a specific thing – building, youth salary, vicarage refurbishment, then please just put that in your online banking reference.  You can also email accounts@karorianglican.org.nz and let Jasmine (our accounts administrator) know.

There is also the option to make a bequest to Karori Anglican in your will. Gregor’s slides can be viewed here : Patronal Sunday 13 August 23

We need your continued financial support for the operation of the Parish, including Te Korōria.  If you were previously giving to the building of Te Korōria (and have now completed your pledge) Thanks so much!  Please prayerfully consider continuing that level of support. We are very thankful to the many generous givers in our Karori Anglican community.

If you need further information on how to give, a giving number or information on how to set up a bequest, please contact accounts@karorianglican.org.nz

Financial Support Opportunities










Join the Property Team !

Please click on the picture for more information.



Education For Ministry (EFM) Information Evening

EFM is an ecumenical Christian adult learning programme designed to link Christian faith with daily life, and to deepen Christian discipleship.  In New Zealand, the programme is provided by the Education for Ministry Trust, under licence from University of the South, Sewanee, Tennesse.  Brought to New Zealand through the Anglican Church in the late 1970’s, it soon became ecumenical, and has remained  a taonga that the Anglican Church in particular has continued to hold. 

EFM is a four year study programme, in which participants only sign up for a year at a time.  Each year level focusses on a different topic: Year 1 The Hebrew Bible,  Year 2 The New Testament , Year 3 Christian History Year 4 Theology, Ethics and Inter-Faith Encounter. In addition, each year there is a theme and these cycle throughout any four year period, exploring living faithfully as Christians.  More information will be provided on the night.”

Please click on this link for more information: EFM

Counselling Available


Rochelle is doing very well however could do with some more hours for her course work.  Please promote her services – she is excellent.  Just email counselling@tekororia.org.nz to book.
Sarah Richards is also available, please email sarah@mindhealth.org to book.

Counselling times are available between 8.00am – 5.00pm Fridays with Rochelle or Wednesdays with Sarah.

Please click on the picture for more information.






Free Wifi in church

If you require internet access during Sunday service, you can access free wifi through the network “St Mary’s Guest”. You will not need a login name or password to access this service.



The rosters for November and December can be found here. Please note that this document is accurate as at the publication of this Newsletter. The actual roster will continue to change as people request changes.



We use the programme Infoodle to organise and manager church activities. If you need to use Infoodle and you already have an account, here is a gentle reminder that the website is : https://kac.infoodle.com/home




You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything.’ Matt 5:13